Aasheesh Singh*, Aditya Kamireddypalli*, Vineet Gandhi, K Madhava Krishna, Under review, IROS 2020 arxiv Abstract: We present a method to reliably detect small obstacles through a multi-modal framework of sparse LiDAR(VLP-16) and Monocular vision. LiDAR is employed to provide additional context in the form of confidence maps to monocular segmentation networks. We show significant performance gains when the context is fed as an additional input to monocular semantic segmentation frameworks.We stress that precise calibration between LiDAR and camera is crucial for this task and thus propose a novel Hausdorff distance based calibration refinement method over extrinsic parameters. As a first benchmark over this dataset, we report our results with 73 % instance detection up to a distance of 50 meters on challenging scenarios. |